Depending on where you live you might see the whole eclipse or just part of it. For details on timing go to....
As added bonus there is currently a very large sunspot visible on the sun.
Warning: Always use proper protection when looking at the sun (both to protect your eyes and to prevent damage to equipment like cameras, telescopes, binoculars).
Looking at the sun near sunrise and sunset, when the sun is red is safe. It is not safe at other times, especially when using optical devices like telescopes.
To see photos of this Solar Eclipse see:
Addendum 2:
Addendum 2:
The Sunspot mentioned above was responsible for Solar Flares. See this Article from the Wall Street Journal: "Solar Flares From Sunspot Hamper Pilots, Satellites: AR 12192 Has Launched Six Major Solar Flares Toward Earth, Disrupting Navigation Systems and Radio Communications." See: